Flat Fee MLS Alaska

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 Alaska Flat Fee MLS Listing

Listing on the Alaska MLS for a low flat fee or flat rate is the best way to sell real estate, in our opinion. Our opinion is based on over 20 years of experience and having done the traditional 6% model many of those years. Flat Fee listing works because you are getting the exact same product of listing on the Alaska MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE as with any agent but you are saving a ton of money. It's really a "no-brainer". Do the research, and you will agree.

Some in the industry call us limited service brokers that is only if you choose that level of service. We are full service brokers, if you choose. We offer a la carte services. We are discount brokers but do not compromise the service. You are listing direct with a local broker. Pay for what you need or want.

Many Alaska FOR SALE BY OWNERS or FSBO want very little service and the same goes for investors. However, many sellers, want and need more help and we are here to fill their needs as well.

There are many sites on the internet that are 3rd party referral sites. This means, they get your order for a listing, then bid it out for the lowest bidding agent. Some agents are willing to work very cheap to get a listing, with hopes of getting buyer leads from that listing, so they can make a 3% buyer agent commission. We do not do that, you are listing directly with your listing agent. Please give us a call, so we can discuss in detail, if you like.

What is the MLS?

Yes, the MLS seems like an invention of the modern age. But, in fact, the term “multiple listing”—and the overarching concept behind it—was first coined in 1907. Back then it described the old-timey practice in which real estate agents would gather regularly at offices or conferences to trade info about homes they were trying to sell, hoping this network could help connect them with buyers. In 1908, the National Association of Real Estate Exchanges (the organization that later became the National Association of Realtors®) endorsed the use of this system by all agents. It quickly caught on from there, evolving, stage by stage, into the modern system in use today—online and fully searchable by price, neighborhood, and home features.

While the Alaska MLS may look like one large national database, it's actually a suite of approximately 700 regional databases. And they're quite territorial: Each regional MLS has its own listings, and agents pay dues to access and post homes on each one. This is why agents who want a broader reach for their clients may become a member of more than one MLS.

Best Choice Flat Fee™ is a network of nation-wide brokers. Each office is independently owned and operated under their state registered name/brokerage and solely responsible for their clients and listings.

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