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Showcase has 1/10 of 1% Complinace fee due at closing.
Premium has 1/10 of 1% compliance fee due at closing.
Full Service Realtor: .85 of 1%, includes compliance fee.
For info about our services ... click on pricing table text and a window will open.
We also have lots of reviews on Zillow and Google!
Each MLS has their own max number of photos that can be placed on the MLS. Please contact your local listing broker if you want to know the exact number.
Listing term depends on your listing plan. You may cancel listing at anytime, for any reason, unless your home is under contract.
The MLS does not allow us to cancel, if a property is under contract.
We provide all necessary contracts, disclosures, and addendums needed to sell your property. We only use only state approved contracts provided by the real estate commission and approved contracts by the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®.
A commission must be paid when listing in the Realtor MLS. 2.5% is recommended
The only way to get on realtor.com is the be listed with a REALTOR® on the MLS. We have set up the MLS to feed your property onto realtor.com.
Listing on local REALTOR® sites:
- Re-max
- Coldwell Banker
- Century 21
- Keller Williams
- etc ...
Once you are on the MLS, your listing will automatically down-load to Zillow & Trulia. Downloading to all web sites is a function of the MLS in your area.
We are here to make the lisitng process an easy one.
- Double sided sign
- For sale or lease signs available
- Post not included
- Sign frame can be purchased at Home Depot or Lowes for about $15
Offers, counter offers, addenda, and other documents sent digitally for ease of signing and transactional expediency.
All buyer calls are automatically forward directly to you!
Use Broker Bay or Showtime to set appointmnets directly with agents to show your home.
Post all your open houses to your MLS for no charge.
- Review contract, page by page
- Offer advice an opinion
- Calculate closing cost
- Review done by phone & email
I am available by phone and email, to answer questions and assist through out the sales process, to help enure a seamless transaction.
- Review contract, page by page
- Offer advice an opinion
- Calculate closing cost
- Review done by phone & email

When the contract comes in we review with you in detail, figure closing cost and handle negotiations with the buyer agent.
We review the buyer's offer and/or counter offer with you. We discuss the options for your response, and make suggestions. Once you have decided how you would like to reply, we will prepare the counter offer and send to you for your electronic signature.
To assist you in your decision making and planning, I will provide an estimated closing costs statment, based on your asking price or a specific offer with included terms.
Once your home is under contract, our work has just begun. We follow up with the buyer's agent, buyer's lender, inspector, title company, escrow company to help ensure a smooth closing process
Our entry-level plan, with up to 10 photos (PHOTOS SELL!) posted on your local MLS and massive exposure on national and local real estate search sites. Sites include Zillow.com, Realtor.com, Trulia.com as well as national real estate companies such as Keller-Williams, Redfin, Brookshire Hathaway, Coldwell Banker, ReMax, Century 21, ERA etc. In addition, any of your local real estate offices and agents that display house search functions will show your home. We provide tons of exposure for your property. We provide all the forms for your use. The term is up to 6 months, and you may cancel at anytime.
Our Showcase Plan, with the ability to post up to 25 photos on the MLS. (Having ample good quality photos is key to selling your home. PHOTOS SELL!) Your listing is posted on your local MLS and on national and local real estate search sites. Sites include Zillow.com, Realtor.com, Trulia.com as well as national real estate companies such as Keller-Williams, Redfin, Brookshire Hathaway, Coldwell Banker, ReMax, Century 21, ERA etc. In addition, any of your local real estate offices and agents that display house search functions will show your home. We provide tons of exposure for your property. We provide all the forms for your use. The term is up to 6 months, and you may cancel at anytime.
All the services of our showcase plan but enhanced with automatic buyer call forwarding, agent scheduling and electronic signatures.
Our Best Value Plan! Here is where you access all the broker's experience and knowledge, at a fraction of the cost of full fee agents. In addition to the listing fee of $425, the added cost is only .75% of the sales price! Our past customers testify that this service is more than worth the cost and indicate they would gladly use it again.
This premium plan comes with the opportunity to post over 25 to 50+ photos on the MLS. (Up to the MLS maximum, which varies by individual MLS) . Having ample good quality photos is key to selling your home. PHOTOS SELL!
Your listing is posted on your local MLS and on national and local real estate search sites. Sites include Zillow.com, Realtor.com, Trulia.com as well as national real estate companies such as Keller-Williams, Redfin, Brookshire Hathaway, Coldwell Banker, ReMax, Century 21, ERA etc. In addition, any of your local real estate offices and agents that display house search functions will show your home. We provide tons of exposure for your property.
We will prepare a Comparative Market Analysis to assist you in pricing your home, so you gain the most return on your investment. It is important to price it right. We also provide insight and advice on staging and promoting your home. We include posting on the MLS any open houses you may hold.
We assist you in negotiating with agents and their buyers, with regard to price, terms and conditions. We will review and prepare all counter offers, additional disclosures, inspection notices and addenda. We coordinate and follow up all the way through closing with buyers, buyer's agents, inspectors, appraisers, escrow company, title company helping ensure a seamless transaction.
We will, if desired, prepare for you an estimated net sheet.
For convenience, we will send all documents for your electronic signing. We are available throughout the process to answer questions and assist you!
This plan's term is until your property is sold, you never have to pay the listing fee again, and you may still cancel at anytime.
Roger Lowe
License #208.602.0055 or 971.337.2400